52 research outputs found

    CentralNet: a Multilayer Approach for Multimodal Fusion

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    This paper proposes a novel multimodal fusion approach, aiming to produce best possible decisions by integrating information coming from multiple media. While most of the past multimodal approaches either work by projecting the features of different modalities into the same space, or by coordinating the representations of each modality through the use of constraints, our approach borrows from both visions. More specifically, assuming each modality can be processed by a separated deep convolutional network, allowing to take decisions independently from each modality, we introduce a central network linking the modality specific networks. This central network not only provides a common feature embedding but also regularizes the modality specific networks through the use of multi-task learning. The proposed approach is validated on 4 different computer vision tasks on which it consistently improves the accuracy of existing multimodal fusion approaches

    Transferring Dense Pose to proximal animal classes

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    Recent contributions have demonstrated that it is possible to recognize the pose of humans densely and accurately given a large dataset of poses annotated in detail. In principle, the same approach could be extended to any animal class, but the effort required for collecting new annotations for each case makes this strategy impractical, despite important applications in natural conservation, science and business. We show that, at least for proximal animal classes such as chimpanzees, it is possible to transfer the knowledge existing in dense pose recognition for humans, as well as in more general object detectors and segmenters, to the problem of dense pose recognition in other classes. We do this by (1) establishing a DensePose model for the new animal which is also geometrically aligned to humans (2) introducing a multi-head R-CNN architecture that facilitates transfer of multiple recognition tasks between classes, (3) finding which combination of known classes can be transferred most effectively to the new animal and (4) using self-calibrated uncertainty heads to generate pseudo-labels graded by quality for training a model for this class. We also introduce two benchmark datasets labelled in the manner of DensePose for the class chimpanzee and use them to evaluate our approach, showing excellent transfer learning performance

    The ways to improve the biological and morphological parameters of young fattening pigs

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    Studies were carried out to find the new ways to improve the efficiency of iodine use for the young pigs. During the scientific and economic experiment it was found that bringing iodine to the physiological norm, in combination with introduction of 3% bentonite clay into the diets of young fattening pigs, provided a positive effect on the morphological composition of carcasses, slaughter parameters and meat quality of the pigs. So fattening the yelts with the diets with a physiological norm of iodine in combination with 3% bentonite clay allowed young pigs of the 3rd experimental group to reach a slaughter weight of 78.95 kg at the age of 8 months, which is 10.1% more than in the control group, and 4.2% and 2.5% more in comparison with the 1st and 2nd experimental groups. The slaughter yield in yelts of the 3rd experimental group increased by 2.43% (P<0.05) compared to the control group. The largest (30.17 cm2) area of the “rib eye” was recorded in the 3rd experimental group, which is 5.60% more than the control one, while the carcasses of pigs of the 3rd experimental group contained muscle tissue by 4.74% (P<0.05) more than the same in the control group. Analysis of the Musculus longissimus showed a significant increase in protein content in the 3rd experimental group by 1.22% compared to the control group (P<0.05). The protein-quality parameter was significantly higher in the muscle tissue of young pigs of the 3rd experimental group and amounted to 10.90 (P<0.05), which is 1.12% higher than in the muscle tissue of the control group yelts. The maximum content of oleic acid was found in the lard of animals of the 3rd experimental group — 49.59, which is 1.28% (P<0.05) higher than in the control group.

    XingGAN for Person Image Generation

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    We propose a novel Generative Adversarial Network (XingGAN or CrossingGAN) for person image generation tasks, i.e., translating the pose of a given person to a desired one. The proposed Xing generator consists of two generation branches that model the person's appearance and shape information, respectively. Moreover, we propose two novel blocks to effectively transfer and update the person's shape and appearance embeddings in a crossing way to mutually improve each other, which has not been considered by any other existing GAN-based image generation work. Extensive experiments on two challenging datasets, i.e., Market-1501 and DeepFashion, demonstrate that the proposed XingGAN advances the state-of-the-art performance both in terms of objective quantitative scores and subjective visual realness. The source code and trained models are available at https://github.com/Ha0Tang/XingGAN.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 2020, camera ready (16 pages) + supplementary (6 pages

    Оценка накопления нефтяных углеводородов гидробионтами юго-восточной части Онежского залива Белого моря

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    In order to assess the current state of the ecosystem of the southeast of the Onega Bay of the White Sea affected by fuel oil spill in 2003, the accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons was analyzed by the dominant species of aquatic organisms collected on the littoral of the most polluted coast in the areas of Purnem and Lyamts villages. In 2012, samples of aquatic organisms were taken in an area where all the species discussed in this work are represented on a small area: bivalved mollusks, attached molluscs, gastropods, polychaetes. In 2013 and 2018, samples of hydrobionts were additionally selected, in the three-kilometer strip of the coast on either sides of the givin point. In 2012 and 2013, high concentrations of HC in the tissues of bivalves were recorded. In 2018, the concentrations of hydrocarbons in the tissues of the studied hydrobionts were comparable to background values. A non-parametric test of Mann-Whitney showed a significant decrease in НС in mussel tissue from 2013 to 2018, at a significance level of 0.05. Taking into account the low levels of HC in the aqueous medium (less than 1 MPC of fishfarm) and in bottom sediments (from 0.34 to 9.03 mg/kg, the median of 1.41 mg/kg) in 2018, and is comparable with the background contents of hydrocarbons in tissues of aquatic organisms. We can conclude that after 15 years of the fuel oil spill, the condition of the Cape Deep ecosystem in terms of the content of hydrocarbons returns to the baseline state, continuing emissions of oil-sand lumps do not adversely affect the ecosystem. Based on the work done, it can also be concluded that ecotoxocological methods are priority in assessing the prolonged (or delayed) accidental impact of heavy petroleum products on aquatic ecosystems. The conclusion about the presence or absence of a negative impact on the aquatic ecosystem of hydrocarbons, based solely on the analysis of abiotic components, may not be sufficiently informative because it does not take into account the accumulative and deferred effects, especially manifested in the cold Arctic waters.С целью оценки пролонгированного воздействия аварийного разлива топочного мазута на морскую прибрежную субарктическую экосистему проведен анализ накопления нефтяных углеводородов (УВ) доминирующими видами гидробионтов литорали юго-восточной части Онежского залива Белого моря. Принимая во внимание низкие уровни содержания УВ в водной среде (менее 0,05 мг/дм3) и в донных отложениях (от 0,34 до 9,03 мг/кг, медиана 1,41 мг/кг), за­фиксированные в 2018 г., и сравнимые с условно фоновыми показатели содержания УВ в тканях гидробионтов на изучаемом участке, не наблюдается негативного воздействия на состояние экосистемы прибрежной зоны мыса Глубокий, по показателям содержания УВ, по истечении 15 лет после аварийного разлива


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    We report herein, successful thoracoscopic management of a patient who had a foreign body in the superior vena cava. Foreign body in the superior vena cava in this patient was accompanied by thrombosis, thus limiting the use of endovascular extraction. The impacted foreign bode was successfully removed by minimally invasive thoracoscopic approach without any major or minor traumas. This clinical case proved that thoracoscopic removal is a safe alternative in this group of patients. Given the low prevalence of this type of complications and excellent postoperative outcome, thoracoscopic removal should be considered as one of the routine management approaches to treat patients with these complications.Данный клинический случай демонстрирует возможность удаления инородного тела верхней полой вены торакоскопическим способом. В данном случае инородное тело ВПВ сопровождал тромбоз – что не позволило применить эндоваскулярную экстракцию. Торакоскопичекое удаление позволило извлечь инородное тело с минимальной инвазией и травматичностью. Это позволяет рассматривать данный метод как безопасный для подобных пациентов. Учитывая низкую распространенность данного типа осложнений и прекрасный послеоперационный результат – следует рассматривать торакоскопическое удаление как один из вариантов возможной тактики ведения пациентов с такими компликациями


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    Purpose. Selection of the optimal revascularization strategy for patients with acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation (Non-STE-ACS) and multivessel coronary disease (MVD) remains open. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the results of treatment in this group of patients depending on the strategy of revascularization.Materials and methods. In the study within the prospective registry with 2012–2015 362 patients were included with Non-STE-ACS and MVD. Patients were divided into three groups: staged PCI (PCI – PCI) in 266 (73.4 %) patients, CABG – 72 patients (19.9 %), first step PCI and second step CABG (PCI – CABG) – 24 (6.6 %) patients. Endpoints were major cardiovascular events: death, MI, repeated revascularization, bleeding of BARC score (Bleeding Academic Research Consortium). Endpoints were assessed in the time period from the start until the end of hospitalization with Non-STE-ACS only revascularization (PCI or CABG) or second phase stage (CABG).Results. Maximum value of GRACE score was in groups of PCI – PCI and PCI – CABG 145.81±18.61, maximum value of SYNTAX was in PCI – CABG 30.94±2.42. Mortality from 2.8 % in groups of CABG to 8.3 % in groups of PCI – PCI (р=0.5). MI rate from 1.4 % in groups of CABG to 8.3 % in PCI – CABG (р=0.5). Rate of bleeding 3–5 type BARC score was 1.1 % in groups of PCI – PCI to 37.5 % in PCI – CABG (р=0.003).Conclusions. The lack of clear guidelines for choice of optimal strategy of revascularization in these patients results in a substantial number of adverse cardiovascular events. Choice of strategy should be based on the use of stratification scores (GRACE, SYNTAX, EuroScoreII). CABG may be optimal revascularization strategy to a much larger number of patients than is currently used. Цель. Вопрос выбора оптимальной стратегии реваскуляризации для пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом без подъема сегмента ST (ОКСбпST) и многососудистым поражением (МП) коронарного русла остается открытым. Целью работы явилась оценка результатов лечения данной группы больных в зависимости от стратегии реваскуляризации.Материалы и методы. В исследование в рамках проспективного одноцентрового регистра за 2012–2015 годы было включено 362 пациента с ОКСбпST и МП коронарного русла. В зависимости от реализованной стратегии реваскуляризации пациенты были разделены на три группы: поэтапное ЧКВ (ЧКВ – ЧКВ) выполнено 266 (73,4 %) пациентам, коронарное шунтирование (КШ) – 72 больным (19,9 %), первый этап – ЧКВ и второй этап – КШ (ЧКВ – КШ) реализованы 24 (6,6 %) пациентам. Конечными точками исследования стали такие неблагоприятные кардиоваскулярные события, как смерть, инфаркт миокарда (ИМ), острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения/транзиторная ишемическая атака (ОНМК/ТИА), повторная реваскуляризация целевого сосуда, кровотечение по шкале BARC (Bleeding Academic Research Consortium). Конечные точки оценивались в период от индексной госпитализации по поводу ОКСбпST до окончания госпитального периода при выполнении второго этапа реваскуляризации (ЧКВ или КШ) или единственного этапа реваскуляризации (КШ).Результаты. Максимальные значения шкалы GRACE, достигающие 145,81±18,61 балла, были отмечены в группах ЧКВ – ЧКВ и ЧКВ – КШ, тогда как наибольшая выраженность коронарного атеросклероза по шкале SYNTAX (до 28,75±10,47 балла) в группах ЧКВ – КШ и КШ. Показатель летальности колебался от 2,8 % в группе КШ до 8,3 % в группе ЧКВ – ЧКВ (р=0,5). Частота ИМ от 1,4 % в группе КШ до 8,3 % в группе ЧКВ – КШ (р=0,5). Встречаемость геморрагических осложнений 3–5-го типа по шкале BARC составила от 1,1 % в группе ЧКВ – ЧКВ до 37,5 % в группе ЧКВ – КШ (р=0,003).Заключение. Отсутствие четких рекомендаций для выбора оптимальной стратегии и сроков реваскуляризации среди пациентов с ОКСбпST при МП коронарного русла приводит к развитию значительного числа неблагоприятных кардиоваскулярных исходов в данной группе пациентов. С учетом полученных в настоящем исследовании результатов становится понятным, что стратегия реваскуляризации для пациентов с ОКСбпST должна осуществляться на основе комплексного применения стратификационных шкал (GRACE, SYNTAX, EuroScore II). При этом КШ (как самодостаточный метод) может являться оптимальной стратегией реваскуляризации для значительно большего числа пациентов, чем применяется в настоящее время.

    Detecting human Activities Based on a multimodal sensor data set using a bidirectional long short-term memory model: a case study

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    Human falls are one of the leading causes of fatal unintentional injuries worldwide. Falls result in a direct financial cost to health systems, and indirectly, to society’s productivity. Unsurprisingly, human fall detection and prevention is a major focus of health research. In this chapter, we present and evaluate several bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) models using a data set provided by the Challenge UP competition. The main goal of this study is to detect 12 human daily activities (six daily human activities, five falls, and one post-fall activity) derived from multi-modal data sources - wearable sensors, ambient sensors, and vision devices. Our proposed Bi-LSTM model leverages data from accelerometer and gyroscope sensors located at the ankle, right pocket, belt, and neck of the subject. We utilize a grid search technique to evaluate variations of the Bi-LSTM model and identify a configuration that presents the best results. The best Bi-LSTM model achieved good results for precision and f1-score, 43.30% and 38.50%, respectivel